An Introduction To The Mean Stack

Developing web application demands for various techniques and tools for dealing with server-side components, database manipulation, client-side handling, and displaying data received from the server. For a new project, it is compulsory to define the tools and structure for setup, which is a time taking work. Choosing a framework for this task pace up the development process by simplifying the developers work.

What is MEAN?

MEAN is a full stack javascript based platform for developing the modern web applications. MEAN stands for the MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS. It covers the complete development phases from the server to database.

MongoDB: M in MEAN represents the open source and cross-platform database known as MongoDB which is used for Javascript. It used the JSON documents and focused on storing and serving the data representation. The primary motive behind this technology is to deliver the application with the use of a single language for development, i.e., JavaScript.

ExpressJS: ExpressJS is one of the most used javascript based dynamic tool which is used for providing functionalities to the web and mobile application such as for delivering middleware support, parsing request etc. It presents various robust features for developing single to multi-page application. The complete combination of NodeJS and ExpressJS is used to design the server side functionality of the application.

AngularJS: Angular is a framework for designing front end part of the web application. It outspreads the HTML with new designing characteristics. It assists in client-side development with integrated code and data essential for the user interface.

Node.js: It is a JavaScript-based open source and cross-platform for developing the server side part of an application. It uses the JavaScript enabled execution time framework developed for Chrome’s JSV8 engine. The best part about Node.js is that it provides unlimited modules for OTP, email etc., to simplify the developers work.

Benefits of using MEAN Stack Development:

Single Language for Development: The best thing about MEAN is that you don’t need to learn various languages for developing your application from client to server side including the database. The whole development is written in JavaScript. Thus, it saves developers time and money for learning new languages.

User Interface: Since MEAN supports the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture; hence it provides a quality user interface.

Multiple Libraries: The node package manager provides a various set of modules to reduce the developer’s extra effort in developing those functionalities. All you need is to install and include the required module in your code only.

JSON is used Everywhere: The MongoDB and Node.JS, Express, all the components of MEAN use JSON. MongoDB stores all the data in JSON format. Hence the data flow in the whole process does not require any changes in its format or rewriting.

Open-Source: All the components in MEAN are open-source in nature and free to use.

Cloud Compatibility: The cloud compatible feature of the MongoDB makes it easy to deploy your application over the cloud. It simplifies the tasks like testing, maintenance or any other changes.

Final Words:

With such tons of benefits, MEAN has emerged as the widely adopted technology among developers. It is easy to use and learn as well. Even a person with a minimum computer science knowledge can quickly develop the web application with MEAN. If you are unaware of the technology and willing to be part of it, go and mark your presence in MEAN Stack Developer Course to create an effective career path.

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