Everything You Need To Know About Threat Intelligence Feeds

Threat intelligence is a term that you are likely to hear in many different settings in our world today, though it is especially important for you to have a grasp on the overview of threat intelligence feeds if you work in an area like cybersecurity. You may not understand the nuances of what goes into threat intelligence feeds, but to understand and work in cybersecurity you need to know what tools you have so you can protect against cyber-attacks.

There is a type of continuous streaming threat data software known as threat intelligence feeds. These threat intelligence tools are continuously updated and feed into technologies to protect them against the latest cyber-attacks and potential attacks so that they can be prevented. Intelligence feeds can be obtained for any type of organization as long as they know their feed requirements. Once you understand what type of threat intelligence feed you need, you can start figuring out where to obtain them.

TI Feds can be put into two categories with the pros and cons of each. Public TI Feeds can be gotten from anywhere on the internet while private TI Feeds have to be purchased from certified security vendors which they could give to you for either a fee or totally from free. Before you choose public or private, you should look at how often the feeds are updated, how it is delivered to you, what type of file format they are in, and if the vendor will give you alerts and reports.

Public Feeds

There are several sources of TI Feeds such as Open Source Feeds, Social Listening, Additional Monitoring using Pastebin, Commercial, Government, and Internal Sensors. As the name Public TI Feeds suggests, they can be found on many public websites like SHODAN, threat connect, virus total, Zeus tracker, and a few others.

Benefits of Public Feeds

The public TI Feeds offer you both security and privacy to give you a basis of security for all your personal information. While they are readily available to you and can give you a good basis of security, these feeds may not have the best quality of security when it comes to updates.

Private TI Feeds

An overview of threat intelligence feeds states that you can find the private TI Feeds from vendors usually for a fee, though it can sometimes come with no private to you. Vendors that sell these TI Feeds are those like Microsoft Cyber Trust Blog, SecureWorks Blog, Kaspersky, and more. There are also government sources that provide TI Feeds which often include country-specific and military cyber-attack information. These Feeds often prevent cyber-attacks from happening at a bigger geographical level.

Whether you go with public or private TI Feeds, you can be sure that by getting them you will be investing in more security for your organization. TI Feeds allow for prevention against cyber-attacks by giving information on adversaries in advance so that the attacks never happen. They allow you to identify cyber-attacks before they happen so you can stop them in their tracks and allows you to contain damages so your organization can recover from any attacks it may have sustained.

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