Get Prepared For The Big Day With The Best ACT Prep Apps

Your ACT score determines the college that you get to go to in most cases. So how good you do will determine if you go to your dream college, or somewhere else that you don’t care for at all. That sounds like a lot of pressure, doesn’t it? Well, it doesn’t have to be! If you are prepared enough, then the test will surely be a walk in the park. With these apps, you will be able to get prepared as you’ll ever be in no time. You just need to dedicate a little bit of brain power!

Prepare Your Brain for the Test with ACT Up

This app is great for the student on the go. Over 1000 practice questions are available at your fingertips, so you don’t have to worry about there not being enough material to practice with! If you happen to be a more visual learner, then you’re in luck! The app also offers great study prep videos to help you understand difficult concepts. In addition to this, you can view your very own personalized progress report, so that you know exactly what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. You are in good hands with ACT Up! If this app isn’t enough and you want more similar to this one, then check out this article we found while searching for ACT tests that have practice questions.

Best ACT Prep Apps With Practice Questions

So that was ACT Up, let’s move to apps that provide a different approach.

Talk to a Real Live Tutor with Varsity Tutors

If you aren’t the greatest at studying on your own, then this might be the better ACT prep app for you. You can easily get in contact with tutors any time with their awesome app, and they offer 70 subjects that you can practice with! That’s way more than are even on the ACT! Whether you need help with trigonometry or English, Chemistry or physics, there will be someone that can help you, guaranteed! There are also thousands of practice questions for you to answer on your own, or you can even ask a tutor for help with them. This app is truly great if you don’t like to learn alone.

Study Anywhere You are with offers tons of videos taught by real experts and professors, that way you know you are getting the quality that you deserve. Each video is roughly 5 to 10 minutes, making for perfectly bite-sized lessons that won’t overwhelm you. Learning in small bits and pieces this way is a proven technique to help your brain absorb information faster. You can also download videos to view offline, just in case you find yourself on a long car trip with no internet and get the urge to study.

Studying can be just as difficult as the test itself, but you can’t let yourself get discouraged. If you want to live in those great dorms at the college of your choice, you ACT score is your one-way ticket. If you score high enough, you can even get a full ride at some colleges! You want that – student loans are no joke! If these apps aren’t working for you, there are more ACT prep apps you can check out. To save you time, here’s a list we used for this article. It sorts study apps and filters out the top 10.

Best 10 ACT Test Prep Apps

Thanks for reading and we hope these apps will help you prepare and be more confident when the time for the real test comes. Good luck with studying.

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